I. Project Description
School Fence Completion Report
Project Title Location Work Volum Source of Budget: Tim Forderer, C2C and Philip Palmer
Project Timeline: 3 ‐ 15 Sept 2009
II. Narative Description
There are a total of four villages inside Komodo National Park. Komodo Island has one village; Rinca Island has two villages named Rinca and Kerora; and Papagarang Island has one village. Komodo village is the most populated among the four villages. As of 2009 (August) a total of population of Komodo Village is 1368 residents. Although there is primary school in Komodo village since long time ago, but only 70 percent of children completed their six years of primary school. Less than 25 percent of those who finish primary school continue onto junior high school in Labuan Bajo or other town. However, since mid of 2008, a junior high school class has been started by using primary school buidling. Junior high school building is now under construction and need to build a ring fence.
The reason why need fencing.
The Junior high school building is located next to primary school building that has already been fenced. The two building are located in the area of Komodo National Park where the wild animal ; Komodo Dragon (Varanus komodoensis) run wild freely but tightly protected. Komodo Dragon is a dangerious predatory animal and can attack not only prey but also human. Thi is the basic reason why the school buildings should be fenced. The fence is intended to prevent komodo dragon entering from the school area with 89 student, so teaching and learning process can take place in a safety condition.
The fence building was already discussed with the vice headmaster together with Tim Forderer. They committed to commence the fence improvement after Ramadhan holiday. The bamboo fence has been successfully built by involving local people including youth organisation, teachers and also students. This fence is very useful to protect a number of 90 students and several teachers from dragon attack that can happen at any time and in any place. All materials for this fence were imported from Labuan Bajo, Flores Island using traditional boat. Some remaining materials (bamboos) will be used to improve and replace some part of the old fence behind the elementary school.
Renold Ch Manalu
Community Development and Outreach Manager
Gang Mesjid Kampung Cempa, Labuan Bajo, Manggarai Barat, Flores-NTT, 86554, Indonesia T: +62-385-41448, +62-385-41328 F : +62-385-41225 | M : +62-811-385-1696 rmanalu@putrinagakomodo.com | gokomodo.org | komodonationalpark.org
PT. Putri Naga Komodo is an enterprise partnership between The Nature Conservancy, the Global Environment Facility and the International Finance Corporation
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