I am very proud and excited to be sponsoring Chris Parkinson's Exhibit at the 2010 Art San Diego Fair.
Check out Chris's book and photo expose of East Timor here: http://peaceofwall.blogspot.com/
My sister Ann is the CEO of the fair and a huge supporter of my friends at Arte Moris in Dili East Timor. www.artsandiego-fair.com/ Together with a growing group of others our goal is to raise awareness and corporate sponsorship for a larger Arte Moris presence at the 2011 Art San Diego Fair.
I am also very happy to announce that Arte Moris has just received an endorsement letter from Dr. Jose Ramos-Horta 1996 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and President of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, fully supporting and endorsing Arte Moris's 2011 participation in the Art San Diego Fair!
I encourage you to check out and learn a bit more about Arte Moris. It's hard not to see and get excited about what this group is doing for the youth in E. Timor. Simply amazing work!!
I encourage you to check out and learn a bit more about Arte Moris. It's hard not to see and get excited about what this group is doing for the youth in E. Timor. Simply amazing work!!
Check out Arte Moris at www.artemoris.org/about_us.htm